A few #tricks for #iPhone

How many of you have an #iPhone and want to know some juicy #tricks for it?

Let us start, then!

  1. If you make so that the control center appears, tap one of the options for more moments and you’ll have more options. I. E. theĀ  bluetooth one will give you mobile hotspot!
  2. From photos, if you have the app Be My Eyes installed, tap “SHARE” and let that nice AI describe the photo for you! Useful when someone sends you something that you should read.
  3. Tap settings, general, and check out your iPhone and other devices warantee!
  4. Go to Safari, scrinshot the page, and you will see a popup. Unfortunately this is not accessible for voiceOver users.

Stay tuned, tomorrow will come up the demonstration of all this!

iOS 17.4 Beta and timers, by Deborah

One of the intriguing features introduced by Apple that caught my attention is the enhanced ease with which we can manage our timers. Consider this scenario: you need to set timers for various occasions. Previously, you could only start a timer with the same duration as the one previously used, lacking a recent section for quick access.
Now, managing timers has become significantly more convenient. Apple now allows users to set multiple timers and ensures they are readily accessible in the recent section.
For those who prefer visual aids, the screenshot below displays the timers I have set, presented in Italian. Additionally, there are several other functions available, which I believe will serve your needs effectively.
If you require similar articles or further assistance, feel free to leave a comment on this post, and I’ll be more than happy to assist you!