Reading Time: 2 minutesViews: 1,841 Over the years, we all know that Telegram has been a real struggle for who has accessibility problems, especially for iOS users. What happens with Android? Now, as everyone knows, Apple is the one who has always had a close system, meaning that until 2024 has been denying users from downloading third party… Continue reading Telegram for iOS, accessible?
Tag: AccessibilityTools
What’s new in MA-All-in-one 0.40.0?
Reading Time: 9 minutesViews: 1,422 Greetings! I’m thrilled to announce the release of MA-All-in-one version 0.40.0! For those unfamiliar with MA-All-in-one, it’s a comprehensive collection of all the apps and games I have developed, as well as those I will develop in the future. From first-person shooter games to police chase games, from memory and sports games to… Continue reading What’s new in MA-All-in-one 0.40.0?
MA-All-in-one Anniversary Celebration
Reading Time: 8 minutesViews: 2,095 Want to listen to the article instead? click here Greetings! Today marks the one-year anniversary of MA-All-in-one, and I’m thrilled to extend my deepest gratitude for your unwavering support throughout this journey. With your encouragement, I am driven to introduce a plethora of exciting features in its second year of existence! Over the… Continue reading MA-All-in-one Anniversary Celebration
A few #tricks for #iPhone
Reading Time: < 1 minuteViews: 2,905 How many of you have an #iPhone and want to know some juicy #tricks for it? Let us start, then! If you make so that the control center appears, tap one of the options for more moments and you’ll have more options. I. E. the bluetooth one will give you mobile hotspot! From… Continue reading A few #tricks for #iPhone
Demystifying Color Perception for Blind Individuals: A Journey Beyond Hues and Shades.
Reading Time: 10 minutesViews: 5,231 A World of Hues and Shades: Embracing the Vibrant Nuances Colors, the vibrant hues that paint our world, hold a profound significance that extends far beyond their visual appeal. They evoke emotions, convey messages, and shape our perception of the world around us. For individuals with full color vision, these nuances are readily… Continue reading Demystifying Color Perception for Blind Individuals: A Journey Beyond Hues and Shades.