Telegram for iOS, accessible?

Reading Time: 2 minutesViews: 1,841 Over the years, we all know that Telegram has been a real struggle for who has accessibility problems, especially for iOS users. What happens with Android? Now, as everyone knows, Apple is the one who has always had a close system, meaning that until 2024 has been denying users from downloading third party… Continue reading Telegram for iOS, accessible?

A few #tricks for #iPhone

Reading Time: < 1 minuteViews: 2,905 How many of you have an #iPhone and want to know some juicy #tricks for it? Let us start, then! If you make so that the control center appears, tap one of the options for more moments and you’ll have more options. I. E. the  bluetooth one will give you mobile hotspot! From… Continue reading A few #tricks for #iPhone

iOS 17.4 Beta and timers, by Deborah

Reading Time: < 1 minuteViews: 2,806 One of the intriguing features introduced by Apple that caught my attention is the enhanced ease with which we can manage our timers. Consider this scenario: you need to set timers for various occasions. Previously, you could only start a timer with the same duration as the one previously used, lacking a recent… Continue reading iOS 17.4 Beta and timers, by Deborah